As a registered Not-For-Profit Society in the Province of BC, we deeply appreciate support in the various ways it can be given.

The Susan Peretz

Scholarship Fund

" Susan Peretz was one of my biggest influences and greatest acting teachers.  I attended her Saturday morning class at 3rd Street in Los Angeles for about 10 years.  We formed a theatre company within that class and produced such plays as Mamet’s Edmund, Sam Shepards’s Geography of a Horse Dreamer, others from Pinter, Shanley and so on…  We worked countless scenes and exercises.  It was acting, directing, producing, and the gift of always walking around with a play in my back pocket, always carrying a character I was exploring.  There were lean times through those 10 years and I didn't pay for class if that was the case.  Susan never kept anyone out of the theatre because of lack of money, not if you were committed and generous, doing the work and wanted to be there.

At Railtown Actors Studio, we do the same thing.  Over the years, we have always offered a free semester, or a class at no cost to students who have been with us for a time, and who want to keep digging in but need a financial break.  We just never called it anything specific.

Until now.  That is why we officially launch the Susan Peretz scholarship fund, in her honour, to continue the tradition of supporting dedicated, hard-working actors as they pursue their training. "  

John Cassini

Railtown Lab

Workshop & Development

By contributing to the Railtown Lab, you allow us to continue supporting and mentoring artists who are creating their own new and original work.  Railtown Lab functions within Railtown Actors Studio as a committed space for writers, directors and actors to come together.  Most recently, we were able to use the studio to shoot a movie written and directed by Anthony Shim, former Railtown Student and now one of our instructors.  Railtown became a Lab to host table reads, workshop the material and rehearse it on its feet, then transformed into a production studio for the duration of the shoot.  Many past and present Railtown actors were in front of and / or behind the camera, once again creating art and building community.  Your support helps us to bring up the next generation of artists and to host established, award-winning guest speakers to share their knowledge and passion.   Click here for more on what the Railtown Lab supports.

More info on where your contributions go...

4 - 1037 West Broadway

Vancouver, BC, V6H 1E3


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