The Monologue Class
The Monologue Class
Paid Parking
Behind Scotiabank on Oak & Broadway
Signing up for Class:
for Info
Hours: 6pm to 10pm / Four Weeks
Fee: $375 including GST ($200 deposit / $175 balance)
with Frank Cassini
In this class, Frank will guide you through the process of fully embodying the two-minute monologue. With specific steps, you will learn how to create a more personalized approach to the text, and bring it to life from your unique expression. You will develop your "privacy in public", avoiding a “presentational" approach.
Contrasting monologues are often required for theatre auditions, and at times requested by agents as an alternative to a demo reel, especially for young actors who may not yet have had the opportunity to acquire a variety of roles.
To have at least two monologues "in your back pocket" as the saying goes, can prove to be a solid asset in landing a job and / or agent, and exponentially improves your mastery of speech and freedom with the craft. This class will also consist of relaxation and sensory exercises with the purpose of bringing those elements directly into your monologue.